Strategy First and BattleGoat Studios Present

Supreme Ruler 2010 Demo Version


Copyright 1982-2005 BattleGoat Studios

Supreme Ruler 2010 may not be redistributed in whole or in part without the expression written permission of BattleGoat Studios.


Thank you for downloading the Supreme Ruler 2010 demo.á This demo is a fully functional version containing three scenarios and two missions; it supports Single Player and Multi Player gameplay.á

The Demo Version does not include any ôCampaignsö, and it also does not include Nuclear Weapons.



IMPORTANT:á For a brief overview of how to play please read the SR2010 Demo Reference Guide, located in Supreme Ruler 2010 program group in windows.



This demo features

à two missions:


Paris Attacks

Mission Length: Short

Mission Difficulty: Medium

As Southern France, defend against a sudden war declaration by the Paris region.á Hold your ground, and then launch a counter-attack to eliminate the threat by destroying ParisÆs Command HQ.


Kansas vs. North West

Mission Length: Long

Mission Difficulty: Medium

Washington State leads an alliance of regions intent on dominating the US Northwest.á Use your military resources to bring the region under control, and drive your way towards Washington to destroy their Central Command near Seattle.


-->á To play a mission from the main menu select ôSINGLEPLAYERö and then select ôMISSIONö.

Note:á A PDF Walk-Through document is available with the demo to help you to play the ôParis Attacksö Mission.á


à three scenarios:

France, US North West, US South West

For more details on these Scenarios, please see the SR2010 Demo Reference Guide, in the Supreme Ruler 2010 Windows program group.


-->á To play a scenario from the main menu select ôSINGLEPLAYERö and then select ôSCENARIOö.



For a list of hot keys press the in-game ôhelpö or press ôF1ö.á If you press ôF1ö you will see a popup with three sections.á The second and third sections

accessible from the top of the popup will show you a list of hotkeys.



Retail Version Features


-         The retail version of Supreme Ruler 2010 comes with a 152 page printed manual including a hot key list printed on the back.á

-         More Equipment and Weapon types, including Nuclear Weapons.

-         A number of Missions with differing objectives, including Unification Votes, Defend Until Date, Deliver Transport to Safety, and more.

-         Over 40 Scenario Maps, many with multiple regional grouping choices

-         Campaign games that can be started from nearly any region in the world, with the ultimate goal of total world domination.

-         Map and Scenario editor for customizing and modding the game and its scenarios.


 Please note that while games saved in the Demo version can be played in the full Retail version, custom maps and save-games from the retail version will not work with the Demo. 



We hope you enjoy playing the demo version of our game.

ááááááááááá - The Staff at BattleGoat Studios.



== Our Websites ==

Make sure you visit to learn more about Supreme Ruler 2010.

Visit our forums at to discuss SR2010 with other forum visitors.




System Requirements


á - Multiplayeráá

á - Video Cards

á - Sound and Audio

How to Contact Technical Support

Epilepsy Warning









To play Supreme Ruler 2010, the following hardware is required:

ò Windows« 98/Me/2000/XP

ò Pentium II 400MHz (Pentium III 800 Recommended)

ò 128MB RAM (256MB RAM Recommended)

ò 3D Graphics Card with 8MB Video RAM (32MB AGP Video RAM Recommended)

ò DirectX 8.1 or Higher

ò DirectX Compatible Sound Card

ò 4X CD-ROM Drive








== Multiplayer ==


Supreme Ruler 2010 uses Microsoft's DirectPlay for LAN and Internet play.á

As with all DirectPlay games, there may be issues with certain firewalls, routers, NATS, and internet security programs.


Internet Firewall programs such as "Zone Alarm" can conflict with many Multi-Player games such as SR2010.á

Work-arounds and suggestions are posted on our forum :


The Windows XP Service Pack 2 includes an Internet Firewall feature that requires Supreme Ruler 2010 and DirectPlay to be 'Unblocked' and given access to the internet.á A popup will appear BEHIND the game when you first try to connect Multiplayer; Alt-TAB (or quit) and select Unblock/Allow, and for future games the MultiPlayer should function properly.


When playing with other players each copy of Supreme Ruler 2010 must be the same version.

Updating to the newest patch by each player will ensure compatibility.á

The Demo Version is only compatible playing with other players running the Demo Version; it is not able to connect to Retail Version games.




== Video ==

Most video display problems can be corrected by installing the latest reference drivers for your particular video card. Please consult your video card documentation for details on how to get the latest drivers for your card.


If you are using a custom cursor, especially with shadow, it may cause video corruption. We strongly recommend disabling custom cursors while playing Supreme Ruler 2010.


On some S3 chipsets and Intel chipsets there will be graphics glitches.

ááááááááááá For S3, these are usually limited to a glitch on the loading map.

ááááááááááá For Intel, update your system with the latest video drivers and the problems should be resolved.


Some old video driver versions will provide very poor performance (Intel, nVidia)á Update to the latest versions to resolve these issues.


Recent nVidia drivers may cause rainbow pattern of discoloration on fade in and fade out due to bug in nVidia driver; update to latest drivers.




== Sound & Audio ==

Most sound card problems can be corrected by installing the latest drivers for your particular card. Please consult your sound card documentation for details on how to get the latest drivers for your card.


If your system does not play audio tracks or plays them incorrectly (e.g., too fast or too slow) you can try reinstalling Microsoft's Windows Media Player, which is responsible for audio track decompression.





Troubleshooting Tips

Before installing the game, please try the following:


- Close all other applications.

- Verify that your system meets the minimum system requirements.


If you are experiencing difficulties getting the game to run, please try the following:


- Obtain the latest drivers for your video and sound card.

- Obtain the latest version of Direct X at

- Install the latest game patches available at

- Please refer to the readme.txt included on your game cd.

- Run scandisk and defrag your drive.


Before contacting us, please have the following information available:


- Computer brand and processor speed

- System Memory

- Operating System

- The make and model of your video and audio hardware

- Version of Direct X installed on your system.


Contacting Customer Support


For assistance you can reach Strategy First Customer Support staff by:


Phone:á (514) 844-2433 û Monday û Friday 9am-5pm EST

Fax:ááááá (514) 844-4337 û Attn: Support


For fast and efficient solutions to your technical issues, please use our Web Support Form:


For all other comments or suggestions you may contact us by email at


technical support is available at:









Certain individuals may experience epileptic seizures or loss

of consciousness when subjected to strong, flashing lights

for long periods of time. Such individuals may therefore

experience a seizure while operating computer or video games.

This can also affect individuals who have no prior medical

record of epilepsy or have never previously experienced a


If you or any family member has ever experienced epilepsy

symptoms (seizures or loss of consciousness) after exposure to

flashing lights, please consult your doctor before playing

this game.

Parental guidance is always suggested when children are using

computer and video games. Should you or your child experience

dizziness, poor eyesight, eye or muscle twitching, loss of

consciousness, feelings of disorientation or any type of

involuntary movements or cramps while playing this game,





-Do not sit too close to the monitor. Sit as far as

comfortably possible.

-Use as small a monitor as possible.

-Do not play when tired or short on sleep.

-Take care that there is sufficient lighting in the room.

-Be sure to take a break of 10-15 minutes every hour.



== FAQ Section ==


Why does the ammo capacity of some of my units change from time to time?

A:á Missiles on board a unit may reduce the amount of regular ammo that can be carried by the unit.á Remove some missiles and the ammo capacity will return to full value.á This especially happens for MLRS Artillery Units and Sub Units.


How do changing the difficulty setting change the way I can play SR2010?

A:á Playing at a higher difficulty level will prevent you from inheriting new technology from regions when you progress in a campaign.

A:á Higher difficulty will reduce production efficiency and military efficiency, reduce World Market subsidy values and have a slower-reacting ôZone AIö.


How are units affected when splitting or merging battalion sizes?

A:á Training specialties and special bonuses only stay with the ôcommanderö of the battalion, meaning that a split-off unit will not get these benefits and a merged unit may loose them.


At what strength level will a unit die?

A:á When a unitÆs strength falls below 2 or 20% the result is death or destruction.áá For example, a 20% strength naval vessel sinks below 20%.


Why do some programs ôshineö over top of Supreme Ruler 2010 while IÆm playing?

A:á This can happen at times based on the operation system you are using and the programs that are running behind Supreme Ruler 2010.á We recommend closing all other Windows Applications and then starting a game.á At times these programs may even take control of the window space and prevent anything from happening in the game.á If this does happen try holding down ALT + TAB until you can regain control.á


IÆve been playing a multiplayer game that I want to continue at a later date with the same people.á How can I do this?

A:á Restoring a Multi-Player game currently requires having the exact same file on all systems.á One player will need to send their copy to all other users and then placed in the Savegame folder.á If you have manually changed the location or name of the default ôSavegameö folder in game settings be sure to use this new folder.á Saved games can be zipped/compressed to save the size of the file you are sending and then unzipped into the folder.á


Is there a limit to the number of bases I can build?

A:á No.á There is an increasing maintenance cost as your overall build capacity grows.á This is set in place to deter building large numbers of bases and to simulate added production costs of having a large network of military facilities.


Why canÆt I diplomatically trade electricity with another region?

A:á Electricity is not an item that can be stocked so its sale or purchase must be monitored by the World Market.á


Why canÆt I buy electricity from the World Market in some maps?

A:á Some maps are considered closed from trades with the World Market.á An example map is South America.á This adds a greater level of challenge when you canÆt trade with the world market.á Due to the oceans that almost completely surround the continent electricity sales are not available.á


Why do I have raw material shortages for a day when I produce more than my people demand?á

A:á Here is an example of what could happen.á You have electricity problems because you are short of petroleum.á One reason could be a bulk sale of all of your petroleum stock that left your production facilities without the needed petrol for a day.á Just remember to not sell all of your stock each day.


My game keeps running at 800x600 or 1024x768, even after it was set to run at a higher resolution

A:á There might not be enough video memory available to run at the higher resolution; reduce the bit depth to 16 bits (in the Options/Graphics settings) and the higher resolution might run

This will happen with the newest update where you will see Supreme Ruler stepping down its resolution and graphics settings to run properly on older systems.